Formation de 3 jours, en double expertise, qui permet à tout particulier qui le désire

d’apprendre et mettre en œuvre notions et techniques permettant relaxation , bien-être voire déblocage de certaines tensions.

de découvrir/ enrichir ses perceptions et de mettre des mots sur certains ressentis et sensations

de développer une posture et un positionnement adapté et sécurisé ( intention, ancrage,accueil des émotions, respect et soin de soi…)

Pilotâge Ateliers & Formations

Un temps collectif dédié au changement et à la progression dans des thèmes ciblés et choisis. Espace de Travail Collaboratif entre participants et formateurs permettant de devenir « pilote de sa vie ».

Business Planning

Life coaching has grown to be a successful form of talking therapy, to helped turn people’s lives around

Careers Coaching

Life coaching has grown to be a successful form of talking therapy, to helped turn people’s lives around

Problems Solving

Life coaching has grown to be a successful form of talking therapy, to helped turn people’s lives around

Interview Coaching

Life coaching has grown to be a successful form of talking therapy, to helped turn people’s lives around

Creative Leadership

Life coaching has grown to be a successful form of talking therapy, to helped turn people’s lives around

Career Transition

Life coaching has grown to be a successful form of talking therapy, to helped turn people’s lives around

Career Consultancy

Life coaching has grown to be a successful form of talking therapy, to helped turn people’s lives around

Improved Motivation

Life coaching has grown to be a successful form of talking therapy, to helped turn people’s lives around

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